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Ranger Post-Surgery

First night home. We moved Libby’s bed into the kitchen with Ranger, and I slept on the floor on the other side of him. Thank goodness we were able to figure out how to get him to his normal sleeping area the next night.
Trying to keep him out of the rain. He didn’t much card for that umbrella, but it was necessary to keep the wound dry.
We were thrilled to see him feel well enough to spy on the neighboring dogs with his sister. That was a good day!
One last picture of Ranger and Libby when they were about a year old.

You will notice that in some of the earlier pictures, Libby wears a red collar.  Ranger kept on chewing off her collars, but the final decision to have her go collar-less was when I caught him dragging her across the floor by her collar.  Didn’t bother her a bit, but I’d rather spend money on dog food!

The journey with Ranger still seems surreal, and we have a big hole in our hearts that is mending ever so slowly.  As I write this, we are now awaiting an oncology referral for Libby.  Last week, she was in for her annual teeth cleaning, and due to some abnormal levels in her blood work, the vet decided to do a scan.  She found 2 masses on Libby’s liver.  We don’t know what the future will bring at this point, but I know this:  Ranger is waiting for his sissy at the end of that bridge.


Thanks everyone for asking about Libby.  She is OK, but really misses her “bobo”.  In the next few pics, you will see more of both of them.

We’re just trying to give her a lot of attention and hugs and rubs.  I think we may have gone overboard on the treats, but will reel that back in. 🙂

Favorite pics of Ranger

Ranger’s favorite sleeping position
Ranger on the left. With his sister, Libby – inseparable.
In what we called “the circle of love”. Ranger loved this spot and was so disappointed when he got too big for the space.
As a puppy, sleeping on his sister, Libby.
Loved to carry around his daddy’s socks, but only the dirty ones. Such a dog.
Waking up from a nap.
After the amputation. He loved this spot, but found it increasingly hard to get in and out of on 3 legs.
Ranger on the right, after the amputation. He and Libby like to sit at the front windows and bark/howl at anyone who dared walk in front of the house, especially if they had another dog.

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